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The International Space Station (ISS) might be the perfect laboratory for developing antidotes to gases used in chemical warfare. Nerve agents such as sarin and VX

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Telecommuting is pretty easy now. Skype, Slack, and good ol’ Gchat—excuse me, Google Hangouts—make communicating with your colleagues down the hall or around

There’s no shortage of things to be mad about in late capitalism. Pretty high on the list, though, is the Eat, Pray, Love brand of pseudoscience promoted by Gwyneth

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Jun 04, 2015 · Hot teens Wanted Tries and Fails to Turn Its Porn-Star Subjects Into Victims Far from being the anti-porn props filmmakers want them to be, the stars of

Traffikd is an internet marketing and social media blog that aims to provide readers with practical, relevant information that they can use in their own online

There’s no shortage of things to be mad about in late capitalism. Pretty high on the list, though, is the Eat, Pray, Love brand of pseudoscience promoted by Gwyneth

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