Fetal Sex Development

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Development at 4 Weeks. At this point the baby is developing the structures that will eventually form his face and neck. The heart and blood vessels continue to develop.

Follow our trimester-by-trimester guide to make your nine-month journey as safe and enjoyable as possible. Sleep on your side; Visit your dental hygienist

Learn about the stages of pregnancy from the Cleveland Clinic. Read about month-by-month fetal development and what to expect in each month.

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The Fetal Period The fetal period is characterized by two processes. The first is rapid growth (increase in size and cell number) and the second is continued

See how big your developing baby is, what your baby looks like as it grows inside you, how your belly is developing and when you’ll feel it move. Take a peek inside

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You’ll be blown away by these amazingly detailed images of how your baby develops inside the womb.

It’s common to have concerns about early fetal development and what’s to be expected. We’ve gathered information on what early fetal development looks like.

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Fetal development: The 2nd trimester. Fetal development takes on new meaning in the second trimester. Highlights might include finding out your baby’s sex and feeling

Thyroid hormones play a critical role in fetal brain development. The fetus depends entirely on maternal thyroid hormones for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, until

Take a peek inside the womb to see the stages of fetal development. Learn how embryos develop and grow during pregnancy. See month by month ultrasound images of your

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