Masturbation Isnt A Mortal Sin

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Masturbation Isnt A Mortal Sin 101

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At first glance, the question “Can you masturbate without lusting?” might sound like an odd question. For those who feel no guilt or shame about the matter, the

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Frequently Asked Questions. Is it a sin to masturbate? Is there anything in the Bible about masturbation? Is it wrong to masturbate when I am away from my wife?

What does the Bible say about sin? Check out these ten scriptures for a better understanding.

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I think my teenage son is masturbating too much – Moms of Teenagers

Diversity of Roman Catholic beliefs about masturbation: Part 2: Church Catechism. Is masturbation a venial or a mortal sin? Sponsored link. This topic is continued

This topic promises to get me into trouble 🙂 Nevertheless, here it is. It is customary for those who write books for teens and youth to caution them against

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Q. Why is watching pornography considered a sin? A. The Bible makes clear watching pornography is sinful. First, the very word pornography comes from a Greek word

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Q: My husband and I have been married over 12 years. We recently learned in a Bible study class that masturbation is a sin. This is the only way that I am able to

Answer: There are four reasons why everyone automatically knows by instinct and by nature that masturbation is a mortal sin against both nature and God.

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Thank you for being willing to discuss a subject as taboo as masturbation. I’m hoping our conversation will lead both of us to a clearer understanding of the role

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