Use Condoms Clinic

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Need condoms? Teens in participating locations in California can order free condoms by mail to help. Or, find clinic locations in California that will distribute

Proper Use. Drug information provided by: Micromedex. Make sure you carefully read and follow the directions that come with each spermicide product.

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Condoms prevent HIV infection. AVERT’s Condoms & Lubricants Fact Sheet explains how condoms stop HIV if you use them consistently and correctly.

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Tips for using condoms and dental dams (part of the Daily Living program on sex and sexuality), from the VA National HIV/AIDS website.

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The effectiveness of condoms, as of most forms of contraception, can be assessed two ways. Perfect use or method effectiveness rates only include people who use

Latex allergy — Learn to recognize allergic reactions to latex, and to avoid latex if you have this common allergy.

How to Use a Condom. Store condoms in their wrappers in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Check the expiration date on the condom. Open the condom wrapper

Male condoms are the best method to lessen the chance of getting STIs. To prevent pregnancy, use condoms with another form of contraception. Only use water based

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Condoms have a lot going for them: They’re easy to use and find, and you don’t need a prescription for them. Plus, the condom is the only form of birth control that

A brief history of birth control, from condoms made from fish bladders thousands of years ago to today’s long-lasting methods.

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